Anchored in Orano’s DNA, innovation is preparing for the group’s future now by being an actor in industrial, climate, and energy transitions. Orano innovates to re-invent itself, broaden the field of possibilities, adapt to changing environments, and explore new opportunities for growth. That means that we innovate to continue to improve the safety and performance levels of our activities, accelerate innovation cycles, imagine the plants of tomorrow by taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies and those of industry 4.0.
Orano’s innovation culture draws on our openness to innovative ecosystems, start-ups, and small- and medium-sized companies (SMEs), and to a new kind of partnership, like those found in the world of design or in Deep Tech. This culture encourages audacity, the freedom to act, and collective intelligence by developing a mindset that always centers our projects on customers, users and value creation.
Welcome to our ecosystem of innovation
Opening numerous possibilities to lead Orano toward new horizons