Since 2020, Orano has been driven by its corporate purpose co-constructed with its employees and enshrined in the company by-laws.
"Develop know-how in the transformation and control of nuclear materials for the climate, for a healthy and resource-efficient world, now and tomorrow"
Purpose film
Our commitments are proof of our determination, to act for a better society.
Relationships with our stakeholders are all the more important as our activities extend over the very long term, for several decades. Orano aims to be a committed and responsible actor in the regions and communities in which it operates, as much for the preservation of their environment as for their development.
It is the world's number one environmental challenge. In addition to being convinced of the role that nuclear energy can play in the energy transition to low-carbon electricity, since 2004 Orano has been running a program to reduce its own emissions with a view to contributing to the collective effort.
Scope 1: Direct emissions resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels (gas, oil, coal), direct emissions of refrigerant gases, and direct CO2 emissions not involving combustion
Scope 2: Indirect emissions related to consumption of electricity, heat, or steam necessary for industrial activities
In 2023, Orano trained 250 supply chain players on the challenges of climate change and the importance of reducing scope 3. The group also held 30 meetings with its main supplier contributors to discuss Orano's objectives and their actions. These actions have made it possible to identify 6% of the reduction needed to achieve the Orano objective. They have also provided a better understanding of the source of GHG emissions within procurement.
The realization of our policy of commitment will be driven by the women and men of Orano. The Group's goal is to develop the skills needed today and tomorrow in an attractive, inclusive and innovative environment.
No company can develop without the trust of its customers. Orano must continue to meet the needs of its customers, present and future, with innovative products and services, while at the same time responding to society's expectations in relation to the environment and health.
In October 2023, the Board of Directors of Orano approved the investment in the project to extend the production capacity of the Georges Besse II uranium enrichment plant at the Tricastin site (Drôme and Vaucluse-France).). With a projected amount
of nearly 1.7 billion euros, the project consists of building four
modules identical to the fourteen existing modules with the
same recognized and proven technology, and with a reduced environmental footprint.
During the construction phase, it will involve up to 1,000 people, with a large proportion of regional companies. This project is
100% European for the equipment and mainly French for the site. Two thirds of the necessary purchases will be made at
the regional level.
With this capacity extension, the enriched uranium produced will supply the equivalent of 120 million homes per year with low-carbon energy.
Operate efficiently and reduce our footprint
Orano is convinced that there cannot be sustainable economic performance and profitability without a reduction in its environmental footprint.
Orano is currently working on 2 projects for the recovery of metal waste from nuclear activities that are at different stages of progress: the steel recovery project and the lead recovery project. These two projects make it possible to reduce the volume of potential metal waste to be stored, to be part of a circular economy logic and to ensure, in the context of lead, a supply of raw material from a resource that is currently under pressure.
Orano has also set up the Nuclear MarketPlace, an online platform made available for the reuse and pooling of materials and equipment from the group's facilities. To date, the group has enabled the reuse of nearly 3,000 pieces of equipment within the group, avoiding more than 7 tons of waste.
Within the Orano group, each one of us shares common values which drive our actions and behaviours at every level and in every activity:
The safety of our facilities and that of our employees and external companies is an absolute priority, just like environmental protection. This requires us to show unwavering commitment to nuclear safety, occupational health and safety, and radiation protection.
Finally, the Protection Policy sets out the main principles for the protection of activities and materials, people during their travels and the protection of heritage.
Prevention is manifested by several measures: deployment of culture and leadership, training sessions, risk prevention and diagnosis, shared vigilance in the workplace, continuous medical surveillance, regular safety and crisis exercises, etc.
In line with its climate commitment and aware that the protection of biodiversity is essential, Orano defined and deployed a group biodiversity strategy in 2022.
Orano strives to be exemplary in terms of ethics and compliance. As a responsible company, Orano acts in accordance with two priority principles:
This sets out the principles and the associated rules of conduct required to uphold Orano's priorities, values and reputation. It applies to subcontractors and suppliers, which must sign a specific sustainable development commitment. This has been renewed in 2024 to strengthen environmental expectations.
Orano implements and deploys an anticorruption compliance program within the Group, which is regularly updated. It promotes a culture of business ethics and transparency through a preventive approach, based on strict rules of conduct, and training and awareness actions.
The close collaboration between the teams was confirmed by the creation in 2023 of a Vigilance Committee composed of representatives of the Health-Safety-Environment, Risks-Compliance-Internal Audit and Purchasing departments and led by the Legal Department. This committee also defines annual action plans and participates in the development of the vigilance culture within the group.
In order to report on our activities in a reliable, regular way, and foster relations with various audiences and institutions, Orano is part of a multi-faceted information system:
In accordance with the provisions of Article L. 125-15 of the French Environmental Code, each Orano group industrial site publishes an annual report informing the public about its activities in terms of safety, security and radiation protection, as well as the results of its environmental measurement campaigns and waste management.